> Planning  > Preparing for the worst weddings and not forgetting “Jenny” and your wedding planning list.

Preparing for the worst weddings and not forgetting “Jenny” and your wedding planning list.

Weddings are not easy, so here are some great tips to make your special day perfect.

When it comes to your wedding day, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that your ceremony and special day are perfect.

It’s frustrating when it starts raining and you’re all dolled up. High heels can be quite painful, so it’s a good idea to bring some extra shoes for comfort. Don’t forget to touch up your makeup throughout the day to stay looking your best. When your hair becomes undone, a little hairspray and some wigs and pins can come to the rescue. It’s always a good idea to have someone else’s ring on standby in case you forget yours.

Going to the toilet can be quite challenging in certain outfits expecially in the middle of weddings, so it’s always a big concern. Be mindful of stairs, as navigating them in heels and a big dress can be a nightmare. And most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! Sometimes even drinking doesn’t cure the feeling of forgetting to have fun. If possible, change into something comfortable to make the experience more enjoyable.

The “JENNY’s” of the world (Jenny happens to be the worst type of helper that always isnt reliable on the day but offers to do everything)

First think of all the things that wouldn’t normally affect you, often I hear, “Jenny will look after that”, now if “Jenny” suddenly drops the ball who is going to look after it?

Think of all the Posible’s that could cause the issue.  Once again think Wedding Planning List.

Preparing for the worst for weddings, isnt easy, but also how to avoid the "Jenny's" causing even more problems
Sometimes its hard just not to invite the Jennys of the world to weddings. (Sorry to all those Jennys)

Top issues Usually

High Heels Being Painful (always bring extra shoes for comfort)

Not remembering to apply make-up (fixing, correcting, or refreshing the make-up should be on the wedding planning list can be expanded while keeping the language intact.

Sometimes, we all have those moments when we forget to apply our make-up. It could be in the rush of getting ready or simply overlooking that step in our routine. However, it’s important to remember that make-up is a valuable tool for enhancing our beauty and boosting our confidence. Whether it’s fixing any imperfections, correcting unevenness, or refreshing our overall look, the act of applying or touching up make-up can make a significant difference in our appearance.

So, let’s try to be mindful and always make sure to include this step in our beauty regimen to achieve the desired results.

Hair becoming undone (hairspray – wigs and pins are always a answer) 

Forgetting the ring (always have someone else’s on standby)

Forgetting that it’s impossible to go to the toilet (always a big one)

Forgetting there is stairs (heels and stairs vs big dress = nightmare)

Forgetting to enjoy yourself (not even drinking cures this one)

Changing into something comfortable (why don’t they make themselves comfortable)


Jenny would of organised the heels, maybe!, It’s frustrating when it starts raining and you’re all dolled up. High heels can be quite painful and when its yuour wedding it even harder, so it’s a good idea to bring some extra shoes for comfort. Don’t forget to touch up your makeup throughout the day to stay looking your best. When your hair becomes undone, a little hairspray and some wigs and pins can come to the rescue.

It’s always a good idea to have someone else’s ring on standby in case you forget yours. Going to the toilet can be quite challenging in certain outfits, so it’s always a big concern. Be mindful of stairs, as navigating them in heels and a big dress can be a nightmare. And most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! Sometimes even drinking doesn’t cure the feeling of forgetting to have fun. If possible, change into something comfortable to make the experience more enjoyable.


Jenny has forgotten that you need your makeup done first, and sometimes, we all have those moments when we forget to apply our make-up. It could be in the rush of getting ready or simply overlooking that step in our routine. However, it’s important to remember that make-up is a valuable tool for enhancing our beauty and boosting our confidence. Whether it’s fixing any imperfections, correcting unevenness, or refreshing our overall look, the act of applying or touching up make-up can make a significant difference in our appearance. So, let’s try to be mindful and always make sure to include this step in our beauty regimen to achieve the desired results.


Jenny took the last park she does no matter which weddings she attends, and as a celebrant my biggest issue usually is TIME and PARKING, does anyone ever think of parking? I hate to be too early for a wedding (as I look like an idiot standing around) yet I don’t want to be late. PARKING is always my enemy. So, I google plan the trip to the last second and hopefully get it right.

Emergency wedding planning and avoiding the jennys of the world when organising your wedding day.
Wedding emergency plans and avoiding the jennys

Jenny grabbed the rings, but it was the wrong ones, so that why we always have someone reliable to look after the jewellery.

Leave nothing for granted! to Jenny:

First, be sure to communicate (I love to always use messenger all day prior to the event – I can send where I am and know where you are) ahead of time to ensure that they know what you want and how you want your ceremony to go. The other option is to use a online planner or software like Free Online Wedding Planner (

Next, be sure to have a backup plan in case of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances. and always call your celebrant for advice Contact Me ·

Finally, try to relax and enjoy your day, as it is a once in a lifetime event!

And thats just the start – but leave Jenny at home for god sake.